Technical competences
Development methods
- Object-oriented analysis and design according to the standard, UML (Unified Modelling Language)
- Object-oriented programming
- Structural program development (SPU)
- eXtreme Programming
- Review and code review
- C, C++, C#
- Delphi
- VBscript
- JavaScript
Platforms / Operating systems
- RTOS + MTCOS for embedded systems (Intel 80186)
- Hitachi H8
- Windows CE, linux for embedded PC-solutions
- Windows 2000/XP
- OLE/DCOM/Active X
- LonWorks
- TCP/IP (Internet protocol)
- Multi-tiered client/server database application
- RFID (TAG System)
- Chip cards
- .NET
Programming and database tools
- BorlandBuilder
- Microsoft Visual Studio
- Compilation of embedded systems (eg. Intel 80186 C-wiz to PIC controllers)
- Borland Database Engine
- Paradox
- Oracle
- InterBase 6.0 Firebird
Other tools
- CASE-tool (Visio 2002 Professional)
- Configuration controlling (WinCvs)
- MS Project
- Own software manual integrated in our quality-system
- Offer specification
- Requirement specification with use-cases
- Object Models
- Acceptance test specification
- System design report
- Modular design report
- Test specifications/- results
- User guide
- Template
Regarding hardware
- EMC – secures stable and reliable hardware
- Remote update/downloading of unit software
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If you require an answer urgently, please give us a call at +4573121212
Give me a call, I look forward to hearing from you
Ole Rasmussen
Head of Department
M +45 6155 3081
Eegholm a/s
Grundtvigs Alle 165
DK-6400 Sønderborg
T +45 73121212